During the 1980s, as the art movement known as neo-expression gained traction, a young street artist from Brooklyn, NY emerged. Barbie® celebrates the influential work of Jean-Michel Basquiat. His frenetic paintings are an infusion of graphic poetry, cultural dichotomies, and compelling social statements. Basquiat played an essential role in elevating graffiti art from the underground to gaining well-deserved acclaim in the upper echelons of the art world.
In a stunning tribute to the artist, Barbie® wears a head-to-toe ensemble featuring many well-known masterpieces spanning throughout Basquiat’s career. From the gleaming golden crown atop her head, to the bespoke suit emblazoned with artwork, Jean-Michel Basquiat X Barbie® doll is a curated collaboration bridging two cultural icons.
Featured in the GDUSA American Package Design Awards 2020
The American Graphic Design Awards™ is a contest open to everyone in the community: design firms, ad agencies, inhouse departments, institutions, associations, freelancers, students and more. It honors outstanding work of all kinds — the best designs of the year — in print, packaging, p-o-p, internet, interactive, video and more. Winners receive an engraved and embossed Certificate of Excellence for each winning piece and are eligible for reproduction in the 58th Anniversary GDUSA Awards Annual in print, online, digital and mobile – seen by over 100,000 colleagues and clients each year.
Sr. Designer: Laydiana Chiv
Package Engineer: Jonathan Martin
Doll Designer: Carlyle Nuera
© 2020 Mattel. All Rights Reserved
Package Engineer: Jonathan Martin
Doll Designer: Carlyle Nuera
© 2020 Mattel. All Rights Reserved